Redstart 2 Wheatear 0

Overcast with frequent rain showers, 20°, breezy WSW.

Where are the Wheatears this autumn? We normally have a good passage thru Cholsey on both hills but apart from 4 seen by Michael P near Silly Bridge last month there have been no other sightings!

100+ Hirundines out at Lollingdon feeding and resting up on wires in the lee of the hill a good 50/50 mix of Swallow and House Martin.

I spoke to the local farmer today who said over the weekend they estimated approx. 300 Hirundines in the same spot when they were out tending to the cattle.

Relatively quiet on the hill today probably down to the weather, 1 Common Redstart, 1 Common Whitethroat and the odd Chiffchaff present.

2 Kestrel hunting and 2 Raven around.

Very quiet on the walk out and back with only a Reed Bunting and a few Chiffchaff noted.

Alan found a Common Redstart along the Bunk line. An excellent find for that area!

Dragonflies: 2 Southern Hawker and a few Common Darter.

Butterflies: 1 Large White, several Small White, a Red Admiral and a Speckled Wood.

 Common Redstart courtesy Alan
Speckled Wood

from Cholsey Wildlife


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