Summer has gone!

Cloudy with a few sunny periods and some light drizzle, 12°, fresh NNW.

The current weather has certainly put the mockers on any meaningful birding over the last few days with a biting northerly airflow.

A late afternoon walk along the Bunk line/Green lane area proved somewhat fruitless.

The only migrants noted were a single Chiffchaff calling and a lone Swallow passing overhead.

Apart from larger birds such as Corvids, Kites, Wood Pigeons and a single Lesser Blackback Gull there was nothing else in the air and apart from the odd Bumble Bee, no insects!

Even small birds were inconspicuous with just Wren, Robin and Dunnock heard occasionally.

Tony Rayner was fortunate to have 4 Small Copper butterflies in his garden today.

This was the only thing that stayed still long enough. A Shaggy Inkcap.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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