3 H's

Another warm and sunny day, 19°, light NW.

3 H's today, Hairy, Hobby & Hirundines! 

A couple of photos today from Alan of a Hairy Dragonfly take down on Cholsey Marsh.

Max counts of 8 Swift, 6 House Martin and 6+ Swallow over the Church road area today.

I know where one of the Swallow pair are nesting but none of the others so far.

Swift numbers are down on last year.

Late afternoon, an alarm call from a Swallow and a couple of House Martin and these along with the Swifts all disappeared. Approx 30 seconds later a Hobby drifted over the garden, circled a few times and then drifted SE.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/05/3-hs.html


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