Where are our Yellow Wagtails?

Overcast, 19°, light SW.

Still cannot find any Yellow Wagtail locally. Apart from a few passage records this spring we have one record of a female collecting nest material. In past years we can have 6-8 pairs in the parish. What’s going on?

On a plus side I counted 11 singing Yellowhammer between the village and Lollingdon hill today. Also a Reed Bunting and 4 Corn Bunting.

A few fields still being cut for hay and 15 Red Kite and 3 Buzzard scavenging over the fields. 

Apart from the usual just a female Sparrowhawk noted.

Mammals: 2 Short-tailed Vole and several other small rodents (incl a unidentified Shrew) possibly vacating the fields being cut.

Butterflies: 3 Speckled Wood.

 Yellow Wagtail (archive photos)

Black-headed Cardinal Beetle (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/05/where-are-our-yellow-wagtails.html


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