
Cloudy with few sunny spells, 17°, light W.

Fairly quiet around the hill today and quite breezy, Skylark and Corn Bunting in song with the odd Yellowhammer and Common Whitethroat joining in.

2 Lesser Whitethroat in the area along with several Blackcap.

A Raven flew west over the hill and 300+ Corvids in the pig fields. Mainly Rook and good numbers of Jackdaw and the odd Crow.

2 Jay made their presence known as a Buzzard passed close overhead.

On returning another Swallow alarm call alerted me to a Hobby that flew over the garden approx. 20 second later.

Mammals: Short-tailed Vole, Brown HareWeasel and Roe Deer.

Reps: a single Common Lizard.

Butterflies: Brimstone, Orange Tip and Peacock.

 Brown Hare (courtesy Alan Dawson)

Dad & Junior
Red-eyed Damselfly (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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