Swift Walk

Wallingford Wildlife Group are carrying out an RSPB Swift survey this summer and to help people to familiarise themselves with Swifts and potential confusion species held a “Swift Walk” earlier this evening.

Swifts spend most of their lives on the wing, they eat, sleep and mate on the wing. Once a young Swift leaves the nest it may not land for 2-3 years when it first breeds.

As you may be aware Swifts are in serious decline as there breeding sites are not available in modern buildings and renovated buildings as well as a decline in insects they feed on.

For further information follow the link: Swift Facts

Approx. 20 people turned out for the walk.

We started off at St Mary's Church in Wallingford where Swifts are quite obvious overhead and then a walk along the River Thames to an area next to the Oxford University boat club building.

Fortunately the weather was kind and we managed to see several Swallows and House Martins and were able to highlight the differences between the species.

As well as the above species we also saw a very showy Common Tern, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, Cormorant, Kingfisher, and Black-headed Gull and heard a Willow Warbler and Blackcap amongst others.

Thanks to WWG for organising this event.

photo courtesy BTO

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/05/swift-walk.html


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