Another warm one

Sunny with thin high cloud, 19°, light E.

A walk out to Lollingdon hill this morning and birdsong dominated by Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Yellowhammer. A single Lesser Whitethroat heard out by Amwell Spring (and another near Westfield road, per TW).

A Little Owl, Grey Heron, a couple of Reed Bunting and a Yellow Wagtail nearby.

Mammals: Roe Deer and Muntjac Deer.

Dragonflies: Common Clubtail (per TW).

Butterflies: Brimstone, Large White, Green-veined White, Orange Tip, Green Hairstreak (TR), Small Copper (TR), Common Blue (TR), Brown Argus, Holly Blue, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Speckled Wood.

Blue Tit
Blue Tit
 Common Whitethroat
 Muntjac Deer
Mayfly (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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