A wet one!

Cloudy with rain, 12°, light SSW.

A bit of a damp squib out there today. One of the fields out at Lollingdon was being cut for hay and had 14 Red Kite and 2 Buzzard cruising overhead hoping for any tit bits driven out by the cutter.

Apart from that there was little activity as a consequence of the weather. 2 Little Owl present and 2 Lesser Whitethroat singing, (1 Little Lollingdon).

Butterflies: a single Speckled Wood.

Lesser Whitethroat (library photo)
Male Bullfinch (courtesy Alan Dawson)
Male Banded Demoiselle with Mayfly prey (courtesy Alan Dawson)

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2019/05/a-wet-one.html


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