
Sunny spells, 19°, breezy SW.

A little cooler than of late and a stiff south westerly blowing as a low pressure system passes through.

Still a few songsters in full flow out there so I thought I would count on the way out to Lollingdon

Numbers as follows: 15 Common Whitethroat, 11 Yellowhammer, 7 Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff, 4 Corn Bunting, 3 Reed Bunting and 1 Lesser Whitethroat. None were photogenic enough to allow a photo today unfortunately.

The hill itself was somewhat quiet with just as few Buzzard and Red Kite soaring above and a steady flow of Rooks flying over to the pig fields.

And a large unidentified Gull flew north over the hill.

An adult Black-headed Gull (ringed) quartering the Millennium field on the walk out and a Goldcrest heard singing in the Millennium Wood.

Mammals: Brown Hare & Roe Deer.

Dragonflies: 1 female Banded Demoiselle near the Bullshole.

Butterflies: again very few and poor diversity: 1 Brimstone, a handful of Large and Small White and a Speckled Wood in the garden.

 Black-headed Gull ↕ leg ring seen on bottom photo.


from Cholsey Wildlife


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