Still a bit chilly

Sunny spells, 11°, breezy NE.

Still a bit chilly for this time of year and subsequently very few insects on the wing.

The usual out at Lollingdon this morning with Corn Bunting, Reed Bunting and Yellowhammer all seen and the usual warblers but song is a bit subdued and 2 Lesser Whitethroat still singing.

A few Swallow still feeding on the hill, not sure whether they are passage birds of locals? 

2 adult Herring Gull still frequenting CSW!

Little else seen.

Found a 15 meter section of hedge covered in a silk web protecting many caterpillars of the either White or Orchard Ermine Moth.

Some of the Swallows resting up
 Ermine Moth caterpillar colony ↕
 Ermine Moth caterpillar colony ↕


from Cholsey Wildlife


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