Lollingdon-Aston-The Lees

Sunny, 21°, light WSW.

A loop walk today out to Lollingdon and skirting Aston and back via the Lees.

Fairly quiet out there today although all the regulars heard or seen. Common Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Yellowhammer, Corn Bunting and Reed Bunting, the odd one out at Lollingdon and 5-6 along the “reedy ditch and “Long ditch”, and both Sedge Warbler and Reed Warbler along the “Reedy ditch”. 

Several Buzzard and Red Kite over the hill as usual and a Kestrel and Sparrowhawk nearby.

A couple of Yellow Wagtail and good numbers of Skylark. Swallows fairly widespread and several House Martin and Swift over the village.

Quite a few Starling noted today gathering food but no young yet. 

Mammals: Stoat, Brown Hare, Roe Deer.

Butterflies: Brimstone, Orange Tip, Small White, Small Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral.

 Buzzard ↕

 Red Kite
 Sedge Warbler doing its best to hide.
 Reed Bunting
Pied Wagtail

from Cholsey Wildlife


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