Sunshine & Showers

A few sunny spells with a few showers (rain & hail), 13°, moderate W.

A little quieter than Wednesdays walk to Lollingdon but all the usual suspects present.

2 Lesser Whitethroat, a Little Owl and a Kestrel and Sparrowhawk worth a mention.

A few Swallow seen and 8 House Martin overhead near the Church and several Swallow and House Martin over CSW.

A Herring Gull and 8 Lesser Blackback Gull flew overhead near Church road.

Green Woodpecker still quite vocal with 3 heard today.

Alan was on the marsh again today and so was the Cuckoo, along with Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and supporting cast.

Mammals: Brown Hare and Roe Deer.

Dragonflies: Common Clubtail. Per Alan.

Butterflies: none for me today but Alan had Orange Tip, Red Admiral and Small Heath.

 Little Owl
Corn Bunting
Small Heath (AD)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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