Getting warmer

Sunny, 12°, breezy NE.

A little warmer than yesterday with a lighter wind and reflected with a few more insects on the wing.

No surprises along the Bunk line today, the usual Common Whitethroat, Blackcap, Yellowhammer and Chiffchaff present.

After a few days of not seeing them 2 Swift turned up overhead and then Alan messaged me to say several Swift and House Martin over Cholsey hill.

Around 10 minutes later there were 2 Swift and a handful of House Martin over CSW.

Several Starling flying back and forth from the CSW area collecting food and one of the Herring Gull seen and an immature Gull seen flying over but too distant for an ID..

A Kestrel hunting over the field where they are digging the gravel pit.

When I got back there were 2 House Martin flying around the old headmaster’s house in Church road. Maybe they are back!

No evidence of Lapwing breeding in Cholsey this year. I know there were a few pairs around last month but no sign in their usual haunts this month so far.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Butterflies: Orange Tip, Large White & Small White.

Chiffchaff taking food to a nest
Baby Moorhen
 Amazing how a fallen tree has given rise to 16 more!
 Not sure what this Fungi is, it looks just a few days old. Will check again when its a bit more mature.
Spotted Orchid in the garden, the flower spike should start to appear soon.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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