
Sunny, 24°, light S.

Tufted Duck on the river today and a scarce bird in Cholsey as they are usually present on lakes, reservoirs etc. Per Alan.

Otherwise all the usual suspects present birdwise.

Also Alan reports more butterflies on the wing today with: BrimstoneOrange TipSmall BlueCommon BlueMarsh Fritillary and Speckled Wood

Tufted Duck f (courtesy Alan)

We have a pair of Stock Dove breeding in the garden this year and it has been interesting in observing the dynamics between the Doves and the Wood Pigeons.

Up to about a month ago the Doves were quite subservient to the Pigeons and were often quite bullied.

Since they started nesting the Doves have become more aggressive and are now chasing off the Wood Pigeons even though they are a smaller bird.

 Stock Dove
Wood Pigeon

a few photos from yesterday by Alan.
 Common Blue Damselfly
 Swollen-thigh Beetle
 Blue Emperor
Red-eyed Damselfly

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/05/tuftie.html


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