Birds & Butterflies

Sunshine, 12°, moderate SE.

A Grey Wagtail flying around the garden this morning prior to my walk out to Lollingdon.

The Hill was relatively quiet, 2 Kestrel hunting, 10 Fieldfare and 4 Song Thrush feeding and a singing Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting.

More singing Chiffchaff around with numbers just getting into double figures now and Treecreeper singing in the Millennium Wood.

A Mistle Thrush in song and a Great-spotted Woodpecker drumming.

The warmer weather has brought out the insects with several Brimstone butterflies on the wing and 3 Peacock, 2 Small Tortoiseshell and a Comma.

A couple of Spotted Bee-fly also noted.

Tony Rayner recorded the first Small White of the year and a reptile count of 7 Grass Snake and 36 Slow Worm. And 3 Redwing in a neighbours Beech tree.

Alan was also out today on the other side of the village. Chiffchaff, Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer, pair of Treecreeper, a Peregrine, a female Sparrowhawk with prey and Black-headed and Lesser Blackback Gulls.

Brimstone and Comma butterflies.

 Skylark (courtesy Alan)
 Black-headed Gull (courtesy Alan)
 Lesser Blackback Gull (courtesy Alan)
Small White (courtesy Tony Rayner)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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