Quiet overall

Sunny, 8°, light WNW.

Fairly quiet time out at Lollingdon today. A small flock of Fieldfare and Starling on the hill until they were flushed by a marauding female Sparrowhawk. A single Redwing seen.

A singing Goldcrest near the Millennium Wood and both Treecreeper and Coal Tit song heard nearby.

Looks like the Rooks near Church road are already with eggs as some birds are sitting for long periods.

Alan saw 2 Nuthatch and a singing Chiffchaff at Bow Bridge and a pair of Reed Bunting.

Tony Rayner recorded the first Comma butterfly of the year and a live Grass Snake.

Photos & Video courtesy Alan Dawson

 Reed Buntings
Nuthatch ↕

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/03/quiet-overall.html


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