Garden Birding

Sunny, 13°, light NE.

Have been watching the garden for the last couple of days and not venturing out and not doing too bad. Fortunately we overlook Whitehead Meadow and so have a good vista to look out on.

Birdwise, there have been 39 species in, over or near the garden, including Chiffchaff, Grey Wagtail, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Coal Tit, Nuthatch, Jay, Green Woodpecker, Tawny Owl and Canada Goose to name a few.

A few butterflies present with many Brimstone, 2 Small Tortoiseshell, an Orange Tip and a Comma but none staying too long.

Plenty of Hoverflies around but none staying still, so no id’s yet.

A single Spotted Bee-fly seen briefly.

Female Blackbird
One of the four Stock Dove that regularly visit.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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