Stonechats still moving thru.

Sunny intervals, 8°, breezy WNW.

The Stonechat passage has ramped up today with 23 seen in Cholsey. 3 near the railway station, 4 at Silly Bridge, 1 (pos 2) Cholsey Meadows and 1 Caps Lane. Per Alan.

I had 4 Lollingdon Hill, 3 (2m & 1f) on the south side and 1 (m) on the north side, 5 out at the Lees (2m & 3f) and 5 along the Bunk line (3m & 2f).

Minimal numbers of Thrushes today with just a handful on Fieldfare and Redwing and 5 Mistle Thrush noted. 

2 Little Owl out at Lollingdon close to their last years nest site.

A Goldcrest singing at the Bullshole and several Skylark in song around the Lollingdon area and a few Meadow Pipit noted.

A couple of Buzzard in courtship display over Lollingdon Hill.

a Barn Owl hunting Cholsey Hill this evening and another seen by Alan at Cholsey Marsh. 

Approx. 2000 Gulls seen distantly around the pig fields, too distant for ID though.

Mammals: Brown Hare, Muntjac Deer & Roe Deer.

 Stonechat ↕

Goldcrests (courtesy Alan)

from Cholsey Wildlife


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