I go ORANGE with Ordnance Survey!

I been sitting on some pretty exciting news for a few months now.

I am delighted to ‘don the orange’ (makes a change from green!) as one of the new 2020 Ordnance Survey Champions!

I feel very  proud honoured and privileged to be one of just 100 champions, ambassadors for the outdoors, chosen from all across the UK  to help Ordnance Survey to promote the benefits of being in the great British Countryside.

Ordinarily, this would be a fantastic opportunity and I was SO looking forward to the big launch and to meet all the other amazing outdoorsy folk who are part of this new team. Of course, the current situation soon put that on hold, so we have had to get to know each other via social media groups, over the last month, instead. We are all SO passionate about the outdoors and we are going to have to be very creative over the coming months, as our outside time becomes more and more restricted.

I am blessed to have my garden of course and lots of walks that I do on a daily basis, literally from my doorstep. I now just chose one a day to do, either as an early morning run or as a walk, often to collect my trailcam cards. That contact with nature is vital to me and I cannot imagine what it must be like not to have my garden or a space of my own, outside.  I do not live in the middle of the countryside; I am only about a mile (as the crow flies) from the centre of Lichfield. Whilst we still can, many are discovering the paths and open spaces right on their doorstep; spaces they may not have realised existed. It is a time to embrace local spaces and our gardens, in particular.

There will be lots of fun adventures with this crazy bunch of people, as soon as we are free on Covid-19, but until then, I had to do my official photoshoot in the garden, with my bright new gear on, curtesy of Craghoppers. I brought a few animal friends to help me!

Thank you Ordnance Survey for selecting me…. I hope I can do you proud in the coming year and bring a few people in along the way!


Then the crazy ones…..

from www.wildlifekate.co.uk https://wildlifekate.wordpress.com/2020/03/31/i-go-orange-with-ordnance-survey/


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