Grass Snake, Chiffchaff, Wheatear & Hare

Mainly cloudy with a few sunny spells, 9°, breezy NE.

3 Wheatear (all males) on Lollingdon Hill today and a pale Common Buzzard and a Peregrine overhead.

A few Meadow Pipit and 2 Pied Wagtail moving through and a handful of Fieldfare seen.

4 Chiffchaff feeding together on the north side of the hill and several singing en route and a Chiffchaff in the garden this afternoon.

TW has had 4 Blackcap (3f & 1m) wintering around his garden feeding mainly on apples.

Mammals: Brown Hare & Roe Deer.

Reps: Grass Snake.

Quite a few photos today. Firstly one of three Grass Snake in Tony R's Garden.

Secondly a series of Chiffchaff pics.

Thirdly a few pics of the Wheatears

Fourthly, a Hare that came towards, became aware of something, then sussed it and was gone.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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