Spring? Maybe.

A sunny day, 12°, light to breezy SW.

A spring like day reflected in several butterflies seen on the wing.

The Bunk line/Green lane area pretty quiet today. A few small flocks of Fieldfare and Starling and a Kestrel present. Also a few Meadow Pipit.

2 Mistle Thrush collecting food near the Church, probably have young nearby.

Alan had more luck on Cholsey Marsh with a Cetti’s Warbler and Chiffchaff, several Reed Bunting, a Kingfisher and Water Rail, also Brimstone and Comma butterflies.

Tony Rayner recorded 4 Grass Snake, 13 Slow-Worm and a Field Vole and 3 Brimstone butterflies in his garden today.

Another Brimstone in the garden mid-afternoon.

Comma and Brimstone courtesy Alan Dawson.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/03/spring-maybe.html


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