
Showing posts from October, 2020

A blustery end to Rocktober!

Rain this morning and sunny interval this afternoon, 13°, breezy WSW. The Firecrest  still present along Green lane seen late afternoon by Alan but still quite elusive and at least 3 Chiffchaff in same area. 2 Stonechat along the Bunk line and showing well in the late afternoon sun. Again good numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare and a single Egyptian Goose overhead.  2 Herring Gull and 20+ Black-headed Gull around CSW. Several Meadow Pipit , Yellowhammer and Skylark scattered around and both Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker and a couple of Mistle Thrush . Mammals: Roe Deer . Chiffchaffs & Stonechats. from Cholsey Wildlife

October Update

Our otter cubs born a year a go have now both moved on to new adventures. Last year Dave and Nicole where born here at the end of the October half term to mum Emmy. They have stayed with mum and dad in our main enclosure until about two weeks ago where we caught them up and sent them off to their new homes.  Dave, now named Maxwell, has gone to the UK Wild Otter Trust based in the South West to a luxurious enclosure to help promote the great work they do there for otter conservation and education. His sister won't be too far away, Nicole has moved to the West Country Wildlife Photographic Centre. At the beginning of the month our polecat kits born here this year were collected by Ferret Rescue Surrey for release. They had been a lot of fun on display, and after a short period off display to get them used to looking after themselves they have now all gone off to be released.  This gave us space to move one of our breeding pairs back on to display. We thought we would try

A grey day

Overcast, 15°, breezy SSW. The Firecrest was still present along Green lane today but very elusive and staying in cover a lot of the time. Seen by Alan, Tony Rayner and myself. Quite a few Redwing and Fieldfare again and at least 1, maybe 2 Goldcrest along with a Chiffchaff and another Chiffchaff near CSW. Several flocks of geese flying back and forth with Canada , Greylag and Egyptian Geese all noted. Another (or one of the same) Stonechat present along the Bunk line. All the usual’s present. Stonechat ↕ from Cholsey Wildlife


Overcast with light rain, 14°, light SW. The highlight today was a Firecrest found along Green lane, a quick message to Alan who was soon on the scene. The bird was very active and due to the windy conditions was often in cover and not an easy subject to photograph. However Alan got some good pics. Apart from the Firecrest it was relatively quiet. 2 Egyptian Geese flew over heading north and quite a few Fieldfare and Redwing about. Green lane also produced a Goldcrest , Bullfinch and Chiffchaff . Also the usual suspects seen and heard. Thanks to Alan for 5 of the photos. from Cholsey Wildlife

Not much change.

Sunny spells with light to heavy rain showers later, 10°, light to moderate SW. Seems to be a month for Stonechat . 5 today, with 2 still present on the south side of Lollingdon hill and another on the north side and another 2 along the Bunk line seen by Alan. Again numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing around and flocks very mobile In the Lollingdon area. Nearby, a couple of Chiffchaff and 2+ Goldcrest with a Tit flock. Finch numbers on the hill still high with 50+ Chaffinch , 20+ Goldfinch and c10 Greenfinch feeding on Sunflower heads and other plants. Also good numbers of Yellowhammer and Skylark in the stubble fields between Little Lollingdon and Lollingdon itself. Fewer Meadow Pipit than of late. A Sparrowhawk and Kestrel noted.  A couple of Goldcrest seen in a garden in the Sandy Lane area. Per Bryan Regan. Mammals: Brown Hare . Dragonflies: a single Common Darter . Goldcrest courtesy Bryan Regan Stonechat Great-spotted Woodpecker courtesy Alan Da

Sunshine & 30° ------- in your dreams!

Almost constant light rain, 12°, moderate SSW. A rather soggy walk along the Bunk line today and fairly quiet. Good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing around and very mobile, maybe 200 birds in total. 2 Stonechat still around and a pair of Bullfinch and a Chiffchaff along Green lane were of note. Yellowhammer , Meadow Pipit and Skylark seen frequently plus the usuals. Another Bullfinch at the Bullshole. Per Alan. Mammals: Roe Deer . from Cholsey Wildlife

No two days the same.

Sunny spells, 13°, breezy WSW. A quiet day out there for both Alan and myself. I took a walk out to Lollingdon and Alan along the river, Lollingdon hill still had 2 Stonechat present and a handful of Fieldfare and Redwing . The wooded side of the hill had a good finch flock with several Chaffinch , Greenfinch and Goldfinch feeding on the Sunflower heads. Nearby, a Little Owl , 2 Chiffchaff and 2 Kestrel . Dragonflies: 2 Common Darter . Butterflies: 3 Red Admiral (Alan’s garden) . from Cholsey Wildlife

Stonechats again

Sunny intervals, 12°, light SSW. 2 Stonechat still present along the Bunk line, could not find them yesterday but they must have been nearby!  Certainly been a Stonechat month with many passing thru the Cholsey area. Fewer numbers of Thrushes with around 20 Fieldfare , 50 Redwing and 1 Mistle Thrush . Quite a few Robin noted with just over 20 seen from along Green lane and along the Bunk line to Church road. A single Chiffchaff and a couple of Goldcrest along Green lane. 2 Mistle Thrush around the Church area again feeding on Yew berries. Sorry more Stonechat ↕ Mistle Thrush ↕ Great Tit from Cholsey Wildlife

Another wet one

Overcast with light to moderate rain, 15°, breezy SSW. Alan out at Lollingdon today and had the better time of it. I took a walk along the Bunk line and it was rather quiet, possibly down to a shoot (😡) taking place nearby. Lollingdon: Good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing and a cover field with Sunflowers in held a c20 Greenfinch with numbers of Chaffinch and Goldfinch . A single Stonechat present, Corn Bunting , Meadow Pipit and 2 Little Owl . Return journey, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest plus the usual suspects. Bunk line: again good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing , Meadow Pipit and Skylark and a flock of c100 Golden Plover flushed from Cholsey hill and a single Chiffchaff . Photos courtesy Alan  from Cholsey Wildlife

More Stonechats

Overcast with some rain, 14°, light SW. Bunk line/Green lane fairly active this morning with c200 Thrushes around. Good numbers of both Fieldfare and Redwing . Another 2 Stonechat found, both popped up after the rain had cleared along the line and 3 Chiffchaff accompanying a Tit flock along Green lane. from Cholsey Wildlife

A good mix

Light cloud with the occasional sunny spell, 14°, light WSW. 2 Stonechat still present around Lollingdon Hill also 100+ Fieldfare and several Redwing and a couple of Kestrel . 2 Corn Bunting with 1 in song and several Yellowhammer and Meadow Pipit . Nearby a lot of Skylark noted today with 100+, including a flock of 38. Also an increase in Chaffinch numbers and good numbers of Meadow Pipit . Another flock of c60 Fieldfare and a few Redwing in the cattle field/Amwell Spring area. Another Corn Bunting in song near Little Lollingdon and a flock of c30 Yellowhammer and a few Reed Bunting and 2 Lapwing flew overhead. Some activity around the Bullshole with a Grey Wagtail and a Tit flock of around 40 birds. Mainly Long-tailed Tit with 2 Goldcrest , 2 Coal Tit and 3 Chiffchaff and the rest made up of Blue and Great Tit . Alan had 6 Siskin in some Alders briefly down along the river at Cholsey Marsh plus a Kingfisher and a flock of c50 Lapwing over Cholsey Hi

A wet one

Rain and rain, 14°, light WSW. A rather wet day and the rain eased after midday so took the opportunity to take a walk along the Bunk line/Green lane (did not take the camera) and halfway out it got heavier again! A good walk though. A Merlin seen hunting Meadow Pipit , could well have missed it but saw a flock of Meadow Pipit fly up and the Merlin was in amongst them. It managed to take one and flew off towards Cholsey hill with it's prey. A Kingfisher and 60+ of each Fieldfare and Redwing along Green lane as well as the usual birds. c60 Golden Plover seen on Cholsey hill today. Per Frederick Hurd. The Shaggy Parasol, one photo from yesterday and then the same one today. from Cholsey Wildlife

No great shakes but a few bits and pieces!

Sunny spells after early rain, 16°, light S. Pretty dire out along the Bunk line area today with very little seen by both Alan and myself. A handful of Fieldfare and Redwing around. The usual Meadow Pipit , Skylark and Yellowhammer and a single Chiffchaff . Alan found another Chiffchaff by the church and a Grey Heron and Cormorant along the river. The ringed Dunnock photographed by Alan last week was ringed in an Aston Tirrold garden back in June and has moved 3km south east from where it was hatched. Info from the BTO via Alan and confirmation from the ringer. A notable moth caught in Tony R’s moth trap last night: a Merveille du Jour . Photos courtesy Alan Dawson, the moth by Tony Rayner and the last Fungi by myself. Cormorant Shaggy Parasol Green Woodpecker or Yaffle. Chiffchaff Grey Heron Merveille du Jour Shaggy Parasol from Cholsey Wildlife