Stonechats, a Merlin and a Redstart

A sunny start but with more rain on the way, 16°, breezy SW.

Found out my waterproof boots are no longer waterproof and not ideal for the walk to Lollingdon today as still a lot of surface water around! Time to get a new pair I think.

Alan along the Bunk line today and 3 Stonechat near the gravel pit, most of the geese have dispersed and only a few Egyptian Geese over. A Kingfisher, several Meadow Pipit, Skylark and Chiffchaff and a handful of Swallow and House Martin.

I was on Lollingdon hill for around 3 hours along with Tony W for a short time.

3 Stonechat present along with a Common Redstart. The Redstart initially heard calling from a Hawthorn on the top of the hill then seen briefly in a nearby hedge, managed to get a distant photo but poor quality.

A juvenile Merlin flew from east to west along the hill and then powered off south. Also seen by Tony as he arrived. 2 Kestrel hunting around the hill.

A lot of birds overhead today with 100+ Skylark seen, several Meadow Pipit and 40+ Pied Wagtail.

30+ Yellowhammer noted along with 6 Reed Bunting, 7 Chiffchaff and a single Blackcap.

A Kingfisher seen at Amwell spring.

A female Sparrowhawk seen a couple of times hunting near the Bullshole and a male flew thru the garden this afternoon.

Mammals: Brown Hare.

Dragonflies: 2 Southern Hawker and several Common Darter.

Butterflies: 1 Brimstone, 2 Large White, 5 Small White, 1 Red Admiral and 4 Peacock.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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