Redwings arrive

Overcast with the odd light rain shower, 12°, light SSW.

Redwing certainly arrived today in force with hundreds seen.

Alan had several hundred out along the Bunk line area and I had 100+ out at Lollingdon and a flock of 200+ over the Bullshole.

Appears to be a good arrival of Song Thrush with them, with increased sightings in both areas and a few more Blackbird noted.

Lollingdon hill hosted a single Stonechat, a couple of Chiffchaff, a single Corn Bunting and 12 Mistle Thrush. 2 Raven overhead flying south west.

It appeared a lot of small birds were on the move today with 5 Siskin, lots of Meadow Pipit, Skylark, Goldfinch, Chaffinch , Linnet and Yellowhammer. Presumably some of this was local movements but some was distinctly southerly.

A Little Egret seen by Alan along the Bunk line heading towards the village area.

3 Sparrowhawk, both Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker, a Kestrel, 3 Jay and 2 more Mistle Thrush by the church.

Lots going on out there today but still have not found the big one!  

Mammals: Brown Hare.

From Tony Rayner: “My moth trap last night produced a few interesting moths.

The star was a Dotted Chestnut - a species rated as notable and only then in the south.

Another seasonal moth was notable for the large numbers – 8 Green Brindled Crescents”.

Redwing courtesy Alan
Rather tired looking Song Thrush
Long-tailed Tit
Dotted Chestnut courtesy Tony Rayner

from Cholsey Wildlife


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