A grey day

Overcast, 15°, breezy SSW.

The Firecrest was still present along Green lane today but very elusive and staying in cover a lot of the time. Seen by Alan, Tony Rayner and myself.

Quite a few Redwing and Fieldfare again and at least 1, maybe 2 Goldcrest along with a Chiffchaff and another Chiffchaff near CSW.

Several flocks of geese flying back and forth with Canada, Greylag and Egyptian Geese all noted.

Another (or one of the same) Stonechat present along the Bunk line.

All the usual’s present.

Stonechat ↕

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-grey-day.html


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