A quieter day

Sunny spells and a few showers, 13°, breezy WSW.

A Wheatear found by Michael Pocock this morning in the Silly bridge area and may have been a “Greenland” Wheatear judging by the description. Also around 250 House Martin passed thru in a space of around 40 minutes. Thanks

Both Alan and I were along the Bunk line today with our visits overlapping but very little noted.

Lots of Meadow Pipit present approx. 250 in total and good numbers of Skylark, Pied Wagtail, Yellowhammer and several Reed Bunting.

Only 1 Chiffchaff noted and a reasonable number of Swallow and House Martin moving thru.

Dragonflies: a single Southern Hawker seen by Alan and no butterflies noted.

A Grey Heron from yesterday courtesy Alan.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-quieter-day.html


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