Bunk line and the Lees

Sunny spells, 12°, breezy NNE.

Out along the Bunk line/Green lane today and Alan out beyond the Lees.

2 Stonechat out by the Long ditch near the Lees. And a ringed Dunnock. From what I can make out from the series of shots Alan took the ring bears the writing: TL322986, London Museum SW7. Wonder if this bird is local or from further afield?

10 Egyptian Geese flew south east over the Bunk line and approx. 50 Fieldfare and 60+ Redwing along Green lane feeding on the Hawthorns.

3 Chiffchaff and a Blackcap also seen there.

Dragonflies: 2 Common Darter.

Butterflies: 2 Small White.


from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/bunk-line-and-lees.html


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