A Fieldfare day

Sunny intervals, 11°, light to breezy NNW.

Another day of Thrush vizmig today, not so many as yesterday but still good numbers of Fieldfare and Redwing.

Both Alan and I out along the Bunk line/Green lane today covering from 08:30 to 13:00.

Rough totals between us were 300 Fieldfare and 120 Redwing all moving west.

Alan skirted along a maize field where there were a number of Finches and Buntings present (c100) Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Linnet and Reed Bunting and some of the Thrushes were seen feeding along a distant hedgerow.

Quite a few Meadow Pipit (c100) around, 20+ Yellowhammer and 20+ Skylark noted.

3-4 Chiffchaff, including one in song, 2 Green Woodpecker and a female Sparrowhawk on the hunt.

Mammals: Red Fox and Brown Hare.

Dragonflies: a single Common Darter.

Tony R: “An unseasonal flower photographed in our meadow today, a Cowslip.

The birds included a group of Redwing flying past plus the single call of a Fieldfare.

Also I am hearing Finches in the Birch treetops which may well be Siskin.”

Fieldfare (photo from a previous year)
Cowslip in flower in October courtesy Tony Rayner

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-fieldfare-day.html


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