Dull weather but a few birds

Overcast, 12°, very light WSW.

A dull day and approx. 4 hours spent along the Bunk line/Green lane area today and Tony W present for a time.

A lot of Gulls initially this morning fanning out on the farm land, mainly Black-headed Gull with several Lesser Blackback Gull.

A surprise of the day was a Ringed Plover that flew from the vicinity of the sewage works and headed north east.

A lot of Thrushes along Green lane with approx. 100 Redwing and 40-50 Fieldfare plus quite a few Blackbird and several Song Thrush.

The usual flock of c100 Meadow Pipit and several Yellowhammer and Reed Bunting present and several small Starling flock feeding in nearby fields.

2 Green Woodpecker also seen along with a couple of Chiffchaff (1 in song).

On the walk back, found another Stonechat!

A small flock of Siskin with Goldfinch feeding on Alder trees along the river. Per TW.

A single butterfly seen today and that was a Small White on the allotments.

Green Woodpecker
Meadow Pipit
Shaggy Inkcap ↕ the one below I believe is a mature version of the one above.

Goldcrest at Cholsey Marsh courtesy Alan Dawson

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/dull-weather-but-few-birds.html


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