A Stonechat day

Sunny intervals, 14°, breezy W.

7 Stonechat found today with 3 on Lollingdon Hill, 2 near the cattle field out at Lollingdon and 2 found by Alan, 1 by the gravel workings and another near Green lane.

A light movements of mainly House Martin and a couple of Swallow over the hill and 2 Kestrel in the area.

A lot of Meadow Pipit out at Lollingdon (100+) and 20+ Yellowhammer and 5 Reed Bunting and 30+ Skylark scattered around the fields.

6 Chiffchaff between the village and Lollingdon.

Yesterday from Tony Rayner: 3 Grass Snake, 45 Slow-Worm, several Wood Mice and Bank Vole. Plus a Brimstone, Small Copper and Common Blue butterflies.

Dragonflies: Several Common Darter.

Butterflies: a few Large and Small White.

Stonechat courtesy Alan
Brimstone courtesy Tony Rayner
Grass Snake & Slow-Worm courtesy Tony Rayner
Brown Hare courtesy Alan

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-stonechat-day.html


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