A blustery end to Rocktober!

Rain this morning and sunny interval this afternoon, 13°, breezy WSW.

The Firecrest still present along Green lane seen late afternoon by Alan but still quite elusive and at least 3 Chiffchaff in same area.

2 Stonechat along the Bunk line and showing well in the late afternoon sun.

Again good numbers of Redwing and Fieldfare and a single Egyptian Goose overhead. 

2 Herring Gull and 20+ Black-headed Gull around CSW.

Several Meadow Pipit, Yellowhammer and Skylark scattered around and both Green and Great-spotted Woodpecker and a couple of Mistle Thrush.

Mammals: Roe Deer.

Chiffchaffs & Stonechats.

from Cholsey Wildlife https://cholseywildlife.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-blustery-end-to-rocktober.html


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