Nice weather for Ducks…………and Geese

Almost constant light to moderate rain, 13°, breezy ENE.

A wildfowl day along the Bunk line/Green lane area today with 41 Egyptian Geese and 26 Mallard in a field until spooked by a dog walker that left just 4 geese present.

And 24 Greylag Geese (16 & 8) flew over and a lot more Mallard flying around.

Other than that there was a small passage of Swallow and House Martin moving thru, totalling around 60 birds.

5 Chiffchaff, 20+ Meadow Pipit, 10 Yellowhammer and a single Reed Bunting also noted.

Alan out this afternoon and the Egyptian Geese seem to be distributed over the area with 5 at the gravel pit and several more back in the original field along with several Mallard and a short while later 20+ Canada Geese arrived.

Butterflies: a single Red Admiral.

Camera not taken out today due to wet conditions! However Alan took his and grabbed this shot of Egyptian Geese on the gravel pit.

from Cholsey Wildlife


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